      巴利文的《法句经》被视为“佛教徒手册”,当中包含佛陀的基本教法,以偈颂的体裁组成。《法句经》共有二十六品,四百二十三首偈颂,内容涵括多方面的佛教教理,揉合不朽的法义和优美的文学于一身。 《法句经》是一部不可多得的典籍,当中的偈颂可以用韵律的方式来念诵,经文所引用的比喻亦受世人所赏识。每位佛教徒都应阅读《法句经》及熟习当中的教法。 STUDY OF BUDDHISM THROUGH THE DHAMMAPADA (VII) Dhammapada is a Pali text which is considered  the handbook of the Buddhists.  It contains, in verse form, the basic teachings of the Buddha. From various Buddhist literary sources verses have been collected for this compilation. The total number of verses contained in the Dhammapada is four hundred and twenty three. They are divided into twenty-six chapters. Everlasting Buddhist ideas mixed with literary beauty are presented in this work. The Dhammapada has an invaluable merit as a book of recitation as the verses can be recited with intonation. The similes used in the Dhammapada verses are well known in the world of literature. To read Dhammapada and to be familiar with the teaching therein is a must for every Buddhist.

导     师 Ven.Anuruddha




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